The Gender Equality Office's Event Calendar

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Welcome to the "Equalendar" (Equality Calendar),

the event-calendar of the University of Bonn’s Gender Equality Office!

In the context of its work at the Univeristy of Bonn, the Gender Equality Office offers opportunities for furher education in the field of to gender equality, and informs interested persons about events and offers at the university. Below, university students and staff can find all of the relevant information on upcoming events pertaining to gender equality.

We encourage you to send us a request if you would like to submit an event for publication in the calendar. Please do so by using the form below!

Pionierinnen an der Uni Bonn – Ausstellung in der Hauptbibliothek2
Universitäts- und ...
Whole Day
"Große Fußstapfen: Pionierinnen an der Universität Bonn" - Eine kleine Literaturschau zu Bonner Wissenschaftlerinnen Zum Weltfrauentag am 8. März zeigt die ...
Competent Performance: The Art of Self-Presenting3
Gleichstellungsbüro, ...
10:00 AM
An Empowerment Training for Women Scientists Mindful and effective self-presenting in the way of showing your strength confidently and authentically at the ...
Postdoc Day 2025 – The Broad Spectrum of Bonn’s Science Landscape4
Universitätsclub Bonn, ...
12:30 PM - 06:00 PM
The German research landscape includes a broad variety of research institutions. From universities, universities of applied sciences, technical universities, ...
Finding My Way towards a Scientific Career in Germany5
Gleichstellungsbüro, ...
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
This workshop will reflect on the cultural dimensions of working, collaborating and doing research in Germany. Alongside status-quo analysis and self-awareness ...

Avatar Peez M.Sc.

Freya Peez M.Sc.

Wird geladen