Support Measures, Programs and Events
The Gender Equality Office offers a broad range of support measures and programs, all under the motto "Perspective: Career, Leadership and Networking". It is one of our major objectives to support women in qualifying for their professional career, to help them prepare for leadership positions, to enable them to create and extend networks, and to increase the visibility of their achievements. Women early-career researchers can profit from our comprehensive portfolio of programs, tailored to fit the needs of individual career stages.
In addition, we offer a multitude of support measures addressing specific groups or situations: trainings in collegial counseling, short-term financial support ensuring additional child-care for students in finishing and qualifying phases of students' degrees, an emergency fund for students with children, self-confidence and awareness-raising workshops, prizes, funds and awards to support reserach in gender and queer studies and extraordinary commitment to the cause of gender equality. For female pupils, there is a portal collecting the University of Bonn's events for Girls'Day.

MeTra Mentoring Program
The MeTra program provides women early-career researchers with professional support and guidance in planning their academic career.

Maria von Linden Program
An open program for women early-career researchers, with a range of workshops dedicated to helping them refine their skills profile and plan the progress of their academic career.

Workshop Program
Our range of self-defense and awareness-raising workshops covers strategies of indidividual defense as well as the cultivation of allyship and a working and teaching culture that is free from sexualized harassment and discrimination.

Prizes and Projects
The Gender Equality Office each year awards prices for outstanding final theses or engagement for gender equality. In addition, each two years projects on gender equaliyt are being funded by the office.

Short-Term Financial Support
In cooperation with the Office of Family Services the Gender Equality Office offers financial support for students and doctoral students with children.

Girls' & Boys' Day
The Girls' and Boys' Day both take place once a year, ususally in April, as a one-day-internship. The goal of the day is to offer orientation in different fields without any gender stereotypes.

WHATS UB (Women in Higher Education And Top Science – University of Bonn) is a network for women researchers at the University of Bonn who are planning or currently pursuing a career in science/academia.
Further Reading
Equal Opportunity and Diversity Unit – STEP Program
The University-wide Strengthening the Equal Opportunity Process (Stärkung des Equal Opportunity-Prozesses, STEP) program is dedicated to recruiting women early-career researchers and professors and to promoting women researchers at all career stages.
Human Resource Development Unit – Career Development and Qualification
The Human Resource Development Unit provides advice and guidance to early-career researchers. Through a wide range of training programs and other measures, they offer targeted support in areas such as further qualification, career planning, and health.
Argelander Program for Early-Career Researchers
The Argelander Competence Center offers this University-wide comprehensive support system to foster the development of young scientists at all academic stages.
Gender Equality and Support Measures at the Faculties
Some faculties provide specific measures to support equal opportunity, to improve the compatibility of research, studies, career and family, and to support and recruit women early-career researchers. You can find detailed information on the websites linked below.
Faculty of Agriculture – Support for Women Scientists
Funds to hire a research assistant to continue practical experiments in the laboratory or in the field during maternity/parental leave.
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Support for female (early-career) researchers in field research and laboratory disciplines during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Faculty of Medicine – Equality Measures FEMHABIL and FEMAPL
Subsidies from faculty and state funds for the completion of habilitation and for the attainment of an adjunct professorship for highly qualified women employees.
Faculty of Law and Economics – Justitia Program
Information and networking for women early-career resarchers in the Department of Law.