The Gender Equality Office of the University Bonn

At the University of Bonn, the promotion of gender equality is an important strategic cross-sectional task. The Gender Equality Office advises the university and supports the implementation of the equal opportunities mandate. Furthermore the Gender Equality Office accompanies the structural and development planning of the entire organisation with a focus on gender equality. This mandate results in far-reaching fields of work and focal topics for both the central Gender Equality Officer and the Gender Equality Office, which are addressed with a differentiated range of advisory services and an extensive portfolio of measures. The central Equal Opportunities Officer and the Equal Opportunities Office are extensively networked and are in continuous dialogue with all institutions and units at the university. Through the NRW State Conference of Gender Equality Officers of Universities and University Clinics, the Gender Equality Office in Bonn is actively involved in state politics in order to be able to initiate and shape important developments at this level as well.

KI-Ausstellung: „Her mit den Portr[AI]ts“4
10. April bis 25. Mai 2025 Universitätsmuseum Bonn | Hauptgebäude (Regina-Pacis-Weg 1, 53113 Bonn) Mittwoch bis Sonntag von 12 bis 17 Uhr | Eintritt frei                                                                                                                                                  
Pionierinnen an der Uni Bonn – Neue Ausstellung in der Hauptbibliothek5
"Große Fußstapfen: Pionierinnen an der Universität Bonn" - Eine kleine Literaturschau zu Bonner Wissenschaftlerinnen
Bewerbt Euch jetzt für die neue Runde des Mentoring-Programms MeTra!/Apply now for the next round of MeTra!6
Bewerbungsfristen: Doktorandinnen (DE): 31. März 2025 Postdoktorandinnen (DE/EN): 31. März 2025  Wissenschaftlerinnen auf dem Weg zur Professur (DE): 15. April 2025 Application Deadlines:  Women Doctoral Researchers: March 31, 2025  Women Postdoctoral Researchers: March 31, 2025 Women Researchers on their Way to Professorship: April 15, 2025

Programs and Measures

The Gender Equality Office provides an extensive portfolio of different programs, workshop series and trainings for women (early-career) researchers. These are tailored to the needs of individual career stages. 

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© pexels/alexander suhorucov

Workshops and Programs - offers that fit

Mentoring, Training and Coaching for career development, increasing visibility and networking. 

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© colourbox

Maria von Linden - Training Program

Different trainings and workshops dedicated to help ypu refine your skills profile and plan the progress of your academic career.

© pexel/pavel danilyuk

Maria von Linden Prize

The Maria von Linden Prize honours extraordinary commitment to the cause of gender equality at the University of Bonn.


Short-Term Support for Parents in the finishing phase of their studies or doctoral degree.

Gender Studies Prize

Award for outstanding final theses contributing to the fields of gender and/or queer studies.

Gender Equality Policy and Counseling

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Jean Baptiste Burbaud/Pexels

Counseling Services of the Equal Opportunities Office

The Gender Equality Office is available for consultation by all members of the university regarding questions and issues around gender equality. Central topics are career development or discrimination. All consultations are confidential. 

Another focus lies on the counseling of third-party funded projects on how to achieve equal opportunities during the projects.

Gender Equality Plans 2022-2026

Framework and Gender Equality Plans, based on the State Equal Opportunity Act.                                   

Gender Equality Commission

The Equal Opportunity Commission advises and supports the central Equal Opportunity Officer, as well as the Rectorate.

Sexualized Discrimination

The Equal Opportunity Office is available to anyone at the University who experiences discrimination and/or violence. 

Contact and Directions

The Gender Equality Office is located at Maximilianstraße 22, 53111 Bonn. 

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