06. September 2024

How to Become a Professor in Germany Online Workshop: How to Become a Professor in Germany

Online-Workshop am 25.10.2024

9 Uhr - 14.30 Uhr 

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This seminar addresses young female scientists who are considering a career as a professor at a German university or are already in the middle of an application process for a professorship in Germany. It will give the participants an overview of the career paths to a professorship, covering the legal requirements, the appointment procedure and the legal status of a professor.The seminar also addresses how to approach the search for relevant job advertisements, how to prepare the written application documents and how to make a good impression during the further steps in the selection process.                                                                                                   

In the second part of the seminar, the participants will receive an overview of the next steps for the successful candidates. This includes the appointment negotiations with German universi-ties, the legal framework and the strategic preparation for those negotiations.

Further information on the workshop and how to register can be found here.

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