Measures, Trainings and Consultation Offered by the Gender Equality Office
On these pages you will find our numerous and diverse measures of support and the consultation services offered by the Gender Equality Office. These offers are aimed at different target groups and cover a broad range of formats, from long-term programs to workshops, emergency funding and short-term financial support for students with children, or prizes and awards.
Measures and Programs
The Gender Equality Office provides an extensive portfolio of different programs, workshop series and trainings for women (early-career) researchers. These are tailored to the needs of individual career stages. Our offers include the mentoring program MeTra, the Maria von Linden coaching program, and the science communication program #UnsichtbarWarGestern (#InvisibleNoMore).
Please note that at present the majority of our programs and events are only available in German. Individual workshops within the Maria von Linden program are offered in English; please check the workshop website before registering.
Our measures further include, for example, self-confidence coaching, workshops introducing you to the methods of collegial counselling, short-term financial support for parents in the finishing phase of their studies, and prizes and awards.

We are able to offer counselling on a wide variety of topics. In most cases, people contact us if they have been disadvantaged or discriminated against because of their gender or gender identity.
In addition, we offer advice on women's career development, on implementing gender equality measures in decentral areas of the University, and on the implementation of equal opportunity concepts in third-party funded projects. Feel free to get in touch!