Working Together for Gender Equality

Counseling and Training for Decentral Spokespeople for Gender Equality

If required, the Gender Equality Office provides counseling or small workshops – not only for gender equality officers, but also for spokespeople for gender equality in third-party funded projects or for individuals in faculties or other institutions within the University who are in charge of issues related to gender equality.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© colourbox

Working to Promote Gender Equality: The Legal Framework

There is a broad legal base for work to promote gender equality at insitutions of higher education. This base not only provides the framework for the Gender Equality Officer, but also determines certain rules for and duties of the institutions themselves. If you have minor questions on this topic, the Gender Equality Office can help you directly. Should you require a more comprehensive introduction, our Office will usually collaborate with the DHV (German Association of University Professors and Lecturers) to organize an in-house training workshop.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© pexels/fauxels

Planning and Implementing Gender Equality Measures

Many departments and institutions at the University of Bonn have already implemented measures and projects to promote gender equality which specifically address the structural barriers women face in their particular subjects. The Gender Equality Office offers advice for other departments planning to offer their own gender equality measures. We can support you in in asessing the needs of your department, planning and implementing measures and developing a corresponding monitoring concept.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© pexels/shvets production

Initial Counseling in Cases of Discrimination

As a designated spokesperson or as a person in a position of leadership or with teaching responsibilities, you may be asked for advice by persons who have experienced discrimination or harassment. These instances of initial counseling form an important basis for building trust and can determine the further course of action in the case in question. In the context of a short training, you will learn not only the basics of the legal framework but also receive tips on how to conduct these sensitive conversations.

Promoting Gender Equality in All Areas

You can find pages on several central aspects of working to promote gender equality on our website. Please note that these websites never claim to have the final word on these issues or on the work more generally. Establishing gender equality is a [Querschnittsaufgabe]. Consequently, there are always new topics to address.

Gender-Inclusive Language

Using language sensitively acknowledges the equality of all genders and works to dismantle structural discrimination.

Unconscious Bias

The term 'unconscious bias' refers to deeply rooted cognitive patterns, like thinking in stereotypes, which distort our perception.


The concept of intersectionality illustrates the fact that multiple forms of discrimination can be experienced at the same time.

Using Content Notes in University Teaching

In university teaching, content notes provide information about sensitive, disturbing or unsettling
content in teaching material and help to prepare students with traumata and psychological
conditions for this potentially distressing content.

Campus Safety

Our comprehensive portfolio of measures addresses topics such as safe(r) infrastructure and protection against harassment and discrimination.

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