Funded Projects for the Structural Integration of Gender Equality
Call for Project Proposals
The Gender Equality Office is funding projects aimed at boosting the structural integration of gender equality in the faculties. Funding is targeting projects contributing to cultural or structural change (e.g. supporting gender equality, antidiscrimination, awareness-raising and career development). The maximum funding per projects amounts to 10 000 €. The funding period must begin by January of the following year. All units of the University of Bonn are eligible to apply for funding.
Call for Proposals 2025
The complete application must be send to
Central Gender Equality Officer Gabriele Alonso Rodriguez
Applications are open until 30.11.2024.
Guidelines for Project Funding
The guidelines concerning the project funding provide detailed information about the requirements for application. They describe what sort of measures are not supported by this fund and list the criteria for funding. You can also find contact information if you have further questions or would like to consult the Gender Equality Office about your idea for a project.
Previously Funded Projects
Funded Projects 2021

Diverse Detours?! Narrating Biographical Challenges in Theology (Auf diversen Umwegen?!
Erzählen von biographischen Herausforderungen in der Theologie)
This project at the Faculty of Protestant Theology aims to raise awareness of and increase the visibility of the different career and life paths of female and queer theologians.
This serves to:
- foster a culture of openness towards (gender) diversity at our Faculty
- encourage young theologians to forge their career and life paths on their own terms and to
- send a clear and visible signal, showing that the Faculty of Protestant Theology takes an active interest in cultivating an open and divrse climate, thereby increasing its appeal as a place of study and research.
Contact person for this project:
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Richter, Dean, Faculty for Protestant Theology
E‐Mail: cornelia.richter(at)uni‐
Funded Projects 2020

WHAT'S UB Women in Higher Education and Top Science – University of Bonn
The Pharmaceutical Institute (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) has applied for funding for a project aiming to establish a university-wide network of women researchers which will promote inter- and transdisciplinary networking as well as the exchange of information about career development in science. The planned WHATS UB network thus takes up a central issue of gender equality politics: to increase networking among, and the visibility of, women scientists.
Contact person for this project:
Professor Dr. Diana Imhof
Pharmaceutical Institute
Pharmaceutical Biochemistry and Bioanalytics
An der Immenburg 4
53121 Bonn
E-Mail: dimhof(at)

Gender-Inclusive Language in the Faculty of Agriculture's Website and Documents (Geschlechtergerechte Sprache auf den Webseiten und Unterlagen der Landwirtschaftlichen Fakultät)
The Faculty of Agriculture is planning the implementation of discrimination-free and gender-inclusive language (or, literally: language based on gender justice) across its online presence as well as in its public relations work.
In so doing, the Faculty takes up a central and highly topical issue which is relevant for the University as a whole. It will be particularly important to develop and models for how to implement gender-inclusive language on websites while taking into account issues of accessibility.
Contact person for this project:
AOR Dr. Ute Müller
Institut for Animal Science
Katzenburgweg 7–9
53115 Bonn
E-Mail: ute-mueller(at)

Protection against Discrimination, Gender Equality and the Promotion of Diversity (Diskriminierungsschutz, Gleichstellung und Diversitätsförderung)
At the Institute for Psychology (Faculty of Arts), we are funding a project raising awareness of discrimination in research, teaching and student life. Under the header “Gender Equality, Protection against Discrimination, and the Promotion of Diversity”, workshops will be conducted touching on issues such as the role of psychology in the context of discriminatory practices or how to eliminate discrimination in teaching and research at the Institute. The objective is the development of guidelines to make those working at the Institute more aware of issues of discrimination.
Contact person for this project:
Professor Dr. Ulrich Ettinger
Institute for Psychology
Kaiser-Karl-Ring 9
53111 Bonn
E-Mail: ulrich.ettinger(at)
Funded Projects 2019

Raising awareness for a culture of gender justice at our institute!
On the basis of an evaluation of previous gender equality measures at the Institute of Philosophy, this project believes that the best way of permanently establishing genuine equality of opportunities for participation in life at the Institute and a balanced gender ratio among the staff is through a careful examination of the forms of work and by raising awareness of issues of gender.
The project intends to
(i) conduct a survey concerning the atmosphere at the Institute among students and teaching staff
(ii) organize expert-led workshops on how to integrate aspects of gender equality in teaching and in appointment procedures
(iii) develop a Code of Conduct for appropriate and respectful interaction in everyday life at the Institue.
Contact person for this project:
Dr. Jean Moritz Müller
Institute for Philosophy
Am Hof 1
53113 Bonn
E-Mail: jmueller(at)

"EmPOWER! Politics, Policy, and Personality"3
is the title of a project by the Center for Global Studies (CGS) located at the Chair of International Relations. The project’s objective is to increase the visibility of women in (political) science.
As part of this project, the CGS is awarding the initial Susan Strange Young Scholar Award (SSYSA).
The competition is open to all female students who have completed an excellent final thesis in the field of International Relations. It is open to outstanding graduates of all degree programs at German universities focusing on at least one of the required topics (power, security and personality).
Contact persons for this project:
Christiane Heidbrink M.A. and
Dr. Hendrik W. Ohnesorge
E-Mail: empower(at)
Tel.: +49 228/73-60278

With the GIDIS 4project, the Department of Computer Science seeks to boost gender equality in Computer Science. The project is comprised of both short-term and long-term measures:
- hosting networking events in cooperation with other departments, local partner organizations and existing career networks (Cross Career Days)
- establishing the Grace Hopper Prize for outstanding female bachelor’s and master’s degree students
- supporting researchers with childcare responsibilities in organizing talks and travels
- establishing a working group to increase gender equality in Computer Science in the long term
- consistent evaluation of the gender equality measures implemented by the Department of Computer Science in Bonn
Contact person for this project:
Dr. Felix Jonathan Boes
Institute for Computer Science IV
Endenicher Allee 19 a
53115 Bonn
E-Mail: gidis(at)