Consistent Protection Against Harassment

Against Sexualized Discrimination and Violence at the University of Bonn

 The University of Bonn aims to establish and maintain conditions under which all its members can work together in an environment that is characterized by mutual respect and trust, equal and free from discrimination. It is committed to effective protection against sexualized discrimination and violence.Sexualized discrimination and violence create working and studying conditions which are intimidating, stressful and dehumanizing. It constitutes a massive disruption to regular university life and is a breach of terms of contract, employment law and [hochschulrechtlicher Pflichten] and, as such, subject to prosecution [?].

What are Sexualized Discrimination and Violence?

Sexualized discrimination and violence begin wherever personal boundaries are disrespected. It is a form of behavior that deliberately seeks to degrade another person, motivated primarily by the desire to exercise power and dominance. It can take the shape of words, gestures and deeds, and be perpetrated by individuals or groups. Sexualized discrimination and violence is not always obvious, but can be present in undertones, for example in innuendo and suggestive comments or in advances that initially appear ambiguous. Sexualized discrimination and violence can have grave consequences for the physical and mental health of those affected.

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Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© pexels/eric montanah

Contact Persons and Counseling Services at the University of Bonn 

At the University of Bonn, there are several persons and offices you can contact in cases of harassment or assault. All conversations and counseling sessions are strictly confidential.

Central Gender Equality Officer

The Central Gender Equality Officer is usually the first contact person. In a counseling session, she can help you to place incidents in context, get the facts clear and plan what you can do next. Most importantly, no steps will be taken without the consent of the person affected.

Email: gleichstellungsbeauftragte@zgb.uni-bonn.de
Telephon: 0228 - 737490

Recommended Procedures and Prevention

We encourage all members of the University not to tolerate sexualized discrimination and violence, but to make clear their disapproval and actively take measures against it.

Further Reading (German)


Commission on 'Sexualized Discrimination and Violence' – Information and Brochures.


Sexual Harassment in the Context of Higher Education – Gaps in the Protection and Recommendations. (Guidelines and Measures).

City of Bonn

Overview of the counseling options available in cases of harassment, stalking, bullying or violence against women.

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