Confidential - Qualified - With Empathy

Other Contact Persons and Counseling Services at the University of Bonn

The contact persons listed below support you in all necessary steps and can also, if desired, come with you to further conversations. 
As a matter of course, all conversations and counseling sessions are strictly confidential.

Miriam Dierker
Email: dierker(at)verwaltung.uni-bonn.de1
Telephone: 0228 - 73 5720

Stephan Rothes
Email: srothes(at)uni-bonn.de3
Telephone: 0228 - 73 5060

Judith Ebach
Email: j.ebach(at)uni-bonn.de
Telephone: 0228 - 73 1754

Kattrin Sippel (Vorsitzende)
Email: ksippel(at)uni-bonn.de
Telephone: 0228 - 73 6100

Christina Schlösser
Email: prwiss(at)uni-bonn.de
Telephone: 0228 - 73 3279

Counseling Offered by the AStA

Other Counseling Offers and Initiatives

City of Bonn (German)

An overview of the city's resources against violence against women.

Safe Partying with Luisa (German)

Many local bars and venues take part in the important "Ist Luisa hier?" ("Is Luisa here?") campaign

Weißer Ring Bonn (German)

Local contact point for prevention of crimes and help for victims. .

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